Thursday 21 July 2011

Counting Sheep

I will do anything to get my son to stop crying. The noise itself drives me crazy, but I also feel sorry for the little guy. He's usually quite grumpy at his ripe old age of 1 month. I feel like when he's awake, he's most likely on the verge of crying. I'm sure this is common for babies this age, but maybe I'm just not cut out for mommyhood. I'm sure many moms won't admit this, but I spend all day willing him to sleep. Like, not just at night, but always. I mean, if he's always crying when he's awake, how can I deal with this all day? Who really can? The art of getting him to be quiet and content is exhausting. I felt like I was running out of options. When he's in a good mood-he's fantastic; the cutest little baby in the world (yes, I'm of course, biased). But when his face turns bright red and he's about to lose it, it makes me want to lose my shit. So, after exploring countless ways to get him quiet, I have discovered what I call 'lamby lamb'. It's actually the Fisher Price My Little Lamb Cradle n Swing, and it's a godsend. It should be renamed 'Baby Crack' although I'm sure many mommies would have a problem with that (although I'm sure they secretly agree). I'll toss my little one in that any time of day. I see the lip quiver, and it's off to lamby lamb land for him. He can sit in there for hours, watching the little mobile go round and round. I actually feel a little bad sometimes because I do feel like he's slightly neglected, but if he's not crying, he must be happy, right? That's what I think. Clearly when I'm holding him, and he freaks out, that's not what he wants, so why deprive him of the lambs?? I'm curious how many other moms have found this to be their baby crack? Not sure who's more addicted, he or I, but since it keeps him quiet, if I need to, I'll use it until he's 10 years old!

This mommy gives My Little Lamb two thumbs up! The price is worth it-little guy will like it, and it will save your sanity!

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